независимый каталог ботов

Vision Bot


Текстовое описание фотографий / Text description of photos.
Чат / Chat : https://t.me/joinchat/CumDjRNupZF1cnR7QbJGsg
Обсуждение (0)
Обновлено: 2024-07-30 в 09:51
⚠ Пожаловаться

Что умеет делать этот бот?

Текстовое описание фотографий / Text description of photos.
Чат / Chat : @visiontest1chat
Send the picture and the bot will recognize it. Can read the QR/BAR code, text, describe what on the photo and determine the approximate age of the person.
Use /changelang for change language. /translatetext for enable translate text. /textonly for only text
Chat for comunication: @visiontest1chat
Bot creator: @alekssamos
Donate: my Card number:
YooMoney: https://yoomoney.ru/to/410011004987544
Qiwi: https://qiwi.com/n/ALEKSSAMOS
PayPal: https://paypal.me/alekssamos
how it works?
Face, Eyebrow, Hair, Forehead, Nose, Skin
a close up of Ariana Grande
20 year old woman looking happy.
Send the picture and the bot will recognize it. Can read the QR/BAR code, text, describe what on the photo and determine the approximate age of the person.
Use /changelang for change language. /translatetext for enable translate text. /textonly for only text
Chat for comunication: @visiontest1chat
Bot creator: @alekssamos
Donate: my Card number:
YooMoney: https://yoomoney.ru/to/410011004987544
Qiwi: https://qiwi.com/n/ALEKSSAMOS
PayPal: https://paypal.me/alekssamos
how it works?
Face, Eyebrow, Hair, Forehead, Nose, Skin
a close up of Ariana Grande
20 year old woman looking happy.


/help - помощь
/changelang - изменить язык
/translatetext - вкл. или выкл. перевод текста
/textonly - распознавать только текст
/bm - Be My AI
/cv - SeeingAI&CloudVision
/all - две нейросети вместе

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Текстовое описание фотографий / Text description of photos. Чат / Chat : @visiontest1chat

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