независимый каталог ботов

The Join Captcha Bot


Bot to verify if incoming group users are real humans. Check Bot info channel: https://t.me/info_join_captcha_bot
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Обновлено: 2024-09-13 в 02:15
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

Bot to verify if incoming group users are real humans. Check Bot info channel: https://t.me/info_join_captcha_bot
Hello, I am a Bot that sends an image captcha for each new user that joins a group, and kicks anyone that can't solve the captcha within a specified time.

If a user tries to join the group 5 times in a row and never solves the captcha, I will assume that this "user" is a bot, and it will be banned. Also, any message that contains an URL sent by a new "user" before the captcha is completed will be considered spam and will be deleted.

Remember to give me administration privileges to kick-ban users and remove messages.

Check /help command for more information about my usage.

Am I useful? Check /about command and consider making a donation to keep me active.
Bot help:
- I am a Bot that sends a captcha for each new user that joins a group, and kick any of them that can't solve the captcha within a specified time.

- If a user tries to join the group 5 times in a row and never solves the captcha, I will assume that the "user" is a bot, and it will be banned.

- Any message that contains an URL that has been sent by a new "user" before captcha is completed will be considered spam and will be deleted.

- You need to grant me Administration rights so I can kick users and remove messages.

- To preserve a clean group, I auto-remove all messages related to me when a captcha is not solved and the user was kicked.

- The time that new users have to solve the captcha is 5 minutes by default, but it can be configured using the command /time.

- You can turn captcha protection on/off using the commands /enable and /disable.

- Configuration commands can only be used by group Administrators.

- You can change the language that I speak, using the command /language.

- You can configure captcha difficulty level using command /difficulty.

- You can set different types of captcha modes using /captcha_mode, from images with numbers (default), letters, a math equation to be solved, a custom poll, a button to be pressed, etc.

- You can configure different types of restrictions to punish the users that fails the captcha through the command /restriction, from kicking (default), ban, mute, etc.

- You can configure a custom welcome message with command /welcome_msg.

- You can enable an option to let me apply restriction to new joined users to send non-text messages using command /restrict_non_text.

- You can configure a group from private Bot chat through /connect command.

- You can block users to send any message that contains an URL/link in a group by /url_disable command.

- Check /commands to get a list of all available commands, and a short description of all of them.


/help - Shows the help information.
/commands - List all available commands.
/language - Change Bot language.
/about - Show about info.

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