независимый каталог ботов



Get and email address that forwards everything to a telegram chat. Support: email2telegrambot@gmail.com.
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Обновлено: 2024-09-01 в 18:50
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

This is an email to telegram gateway bot. You get a special email address, which forwards all messages to telegram chat. Support and contact info: email2telegrambot@gmail.com.
Howdy! This chat email address is 6300407485@e2t.link
Email2Telegram makes a special email address. Send emails there and get them here in chat. To remind your email address enter /start again. Contact: email2telegrambot@gmail.com.


/start - Create an email address

Еще из коллекции "Топ email ботов в Телеграм":



This bot assigns a new email address per chat and can forward all incoming emails to you. You may also send emails using /send command. Website:...

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Validating email database using email-list-validator.com, cheap and convenient, as well as checking email lists on a chatbot for the first time! We...

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This is an email to telegram gateway bot. You get a special email address, which forwards all messages to telegram chat. Support and contact info:...

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Другие боты из категории "Админу сообществ":

Бот User-Agent умеет оповещать обо всех лидах и др. активностях на вашем сайте!

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Здесь вы можете задать вопрос админу канала - " 🇪🇸@Spanish_course_bot - Испанский язык"

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Продажа/покупки рекламы на каналах и в ботах Telegram

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