независимый каталог ботов

Fake Mail


Create hundreds of email address and receive unlimited mails everything just under 1second.

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Обновлено: 2024-08-26 в 18:07
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

Free Fake Mail ID for everyone,i will forward all the emails to you as soon as it arrives you can also reply to any email you receive.
Welcome to @FakeMailBot The Most Advanced E-Mail Bot on Telegram.
Send /generate to get your fakemail address.
/set for customized fakemail address.
🖋📖 @Quotes provides the best quotes for any topic. Expertly curated, and beautifully presented.🖋📖

Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.
🌹⭐🌹 Life is Beautiful 🌹⭐🌹


/generate - Get a new fake mail id
/id - To know your current fake mail id
/set - To setup a custom fake mail id
/domain - Manage custom domains
/block - Manage Blocklist
/rate - If you like me, give me a 5 star rating
/sponsor - Domain sponsors list
/about - About this bot

Еще из коллекции "Топ email ботов в Телеграм":



Free Fake Mail ID for everyone,i will forward all the emails to you as soon as it arrives you can also reply to any email you receive.

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❤️ 0 💬 0


With this bot you can get your new emails without leaving Telegram. Reply to an email in this chat using Telegram's 'Reply' function to send your...

❤️ 0 💬 0

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Feebo monitors websites, blogs and others using RSS and sends notifications when new posts are published.

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