независимый каталог ботов



🔧 Developer: @robot_t_t
Обсуждение (0)
Обновлено: 2024-09-06 в 16:17
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

This is a bot to play the Italian game Briscola!

🔧 Developer: @robot_t_t
Hey there, I am @BriscolaBot, I am a bot to play the Italian game Briscola!

• If you are new to this game, please use /brules to learn more about it.
• If you want to know more about the commands, use /help.

Feel free to privately contact the developer for any issue/suggestion: @robot_t_t.
Add To Group
How to use the bot:
1. Add this bot to a group
2. In the group, create a new game with /newgame or join an already running game with /join
3. After at least two players have joined, start the game with /startgame
4. Type @BriscolaBot into your chat box to see your cards or use "Make your choice!" button
5. Tap on a result to play your card

Game Commands:
/newgame - Create a new game if there are no running game
/join - Join a game that is not started yet
/flee - Leave a game that is not started yet
/smite - As admin, remove a player before the game starts
/startgame - Start a previously created game
/nextgame - Get notified when a new game is created
/killgame - As admin, end the current game
/skip - Skip a player after 55 seconds of inactivity

Other Commands:
/start - Start the bot
/help - Send this message
/brules - Send the rules of Briscola Game

• If a game is inactive for more than 45 minutes, by using /newgame you can start a new one
• Anonymous admins can join and keep their anonymity
• If you add me to admins (needed to join as anonymous admins), the bot will only reply only for commands explicitly directed to it (e.g. commands in reply to the bot or followed by bot username).
Известный болельщик «Чифс» приговорен к 17 годам тюрьмы за ограбления в 7 штатах


/newgame - Create a new Briscola game if there are no running game
/newscopa - Create a new Scopa game if there are no running game
/newtres - Create a new tressette game if there are no running game
/join - Join a game that is not started yet
/help - Get help message
/flee - Leave a game that is not started yet
/smite - As admin, remove a player before the game starts
/startgame - Start a previously created game
/nextgame - Get notified when a new game is created
/killgame - As admin, end the current game
/skip - Skip a player after 55 seconds of inactivity
/brules - Send the rules of Briscola Game
/stats - Send the stats
/cache - Update the list of admins


Бот можно добавить в чат и вызывать по имени, добавляя команду через пробел

@briscolabot Search...

Другие боты из категории "Без категории":

Бот без рекламы: перевод лично и в группах, изучение английского, озвучка. Можно включить перевод по фото. Для запуска жмите /start

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