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Ingress portals


Inline search of ingress portals
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Обновлено: 2024-06-23 в 09:25
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

Search you portals inline! Just type in any chat my name and portal name - and i will find it and show to everyone in that chat. All thanks to @Lanched.
News, help, commands and so on - @Ingressportalbot_channel
This bot can help you search for any ingress portal in world.
For short help use /help
For long help - use /longhelp
To get help and support join support chat.

To change search preferences - use /settings.
To change your language - use /language.
To help translate bot to your native language or if you found typo - you may join a Translation center chat.

Subscribe to news and updates channel (english only).
Subscribe to New portal channel to get full list of new portals all over the world.
Type /newportals for full list of channels
To get notifications about new portals in your region - add bot to your chat or channel and type /help.

It works in Inline mode, so you don't need write to this bot directly.
You can press next button to select chat and share information about any portal.
Search portal right now!
* Write anywhere (in any chat (include yourself)) bot name — @IngressPortalBot.
* Next, write an additional command for bot (optionally, it can be omitted).
* Write portal name (or few letters of it), coordinates (comma-separated), link to intel, portal GUID or just nothing — and wait a bit.
** If you're searching portals from phone, you will be asked to share your location. If you will share location — portals will be sorted from your position. Anyway, you may choose not to share your location — it's ok.
* You will see a list of portals with that name. Press on the portal name in list to share that portal with chat (or person) in which you are called the bot.
* It's done!

* You may also send location to bot to get 25 nearests portals.

PS. Limitations: Try to use words longer than 3 symbols to avoid search problems, or use fullsearch keyword.
PPS. If something is not working properly - you may join help and support center and ask for help there. Link to chat is available in /start command.


/start - send introduce
/help - show quick help
/longhelp - show extended help
/newportals - list of channels with new portals
/settings - your settings
/language - choose language of bot
/translate - help translate bot to your native language
/lookup - look a map for a new portals

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