/newbot - create a new bot
/mybots - edit your bots
/myapps - edit your web apps
/mygames - edit your games
/token - generate authorization token
/revoke - revoke bot access token
/setname - change a bot's name
/setdescription - change bot description
/setabouttext - change bot about info
/setuserpic - change bot profile photo
/setinline - change inline settings
/setinlinegeo - toggle inline location requests
/setinlinefeedback - change inline feedback settings
/setcommands - change bot commands list
/setjoingroups - can your bot be added to groups?
/setdomain - link website's domain to the bot
/setprivacy - what messages does your bot see in groups?
/deletebot - delete a bot
/newapp - create a new web app
/listapps - get a list of your web apps
/editapp - edit a web app
/deleteapp - delete an existing web app
/newgame - create a new game
/listgames - get a list of your games
/editgame - edit a game
/deletegame - delete an existing game
/cancel - cancel the current operation