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Whale Detect


Detecting large transactions in BTC, ETH, TON and other networks
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Обновлено: 2024-07-30 в 09:51
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

Auto-detection of large crypto transactions in Bitcoin, Ethereum, TON and other popular networks
Hi, I can inform you about large transactions.

Just write /addcoin btc to start detecting large Bitcoin transactions

Write /list to see the list of supported networks and cryptocurrencies

Write /help to see the full list of available commands
Add a coin for detecting.
command: /addcoin [coin]
example: /addcoin eth

Set a minimum transaction size for detecting.
command: /set [coin] [value]
example: /set btc 20000000

Get a list of supported coins.
command: /list

Get your list of detecting coins.
command: /mylist

Delete a coin from your watchlist.
command: /delcoin [coin]
example: /delcoin eth

You can also add me to your groups and create a unique watchlist for each group


/mylist - My Watchlist
/list - All Available Networks
/help - Help

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Пожалуйста, нажмите /help для получения справки

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