/startgame - start a new game
/startchaos - start chaos mode
/donate - Support the developer!
/nextgame - bot will PM you when next game is starting
/extend - (extend ##) extend the join timer
/start - enables PM (PM the bot with this)
/players - get a list of current players
/help - get info on roles and how to play
/flee - Drop from the game
/grouplist - get a list of groups for your language
/stats - get a link for stats
/ping - check bot reply time
/getstatus - check the status of all bots
/chatid - gets the id of the group chat
/version - gets the current version
/runinfo - gets runtime, games, etc
/forcestart - Group Admin, start the game
/config - Group Admin, set options for group
/smite - Group Admin, kills player
/uploadlang - Global Admin, upload language file
/validatelangs - Global Admin, validate language files