независимый каталог ботов

Feed Reader Bot


The Feed Reader Bot monitors RSS feeds, and sends messages when new posts are available.
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Обновлено: 2024-08-23 в 13:06
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

The Feed Reader Bot monitors RSS feeds, and sends messages when new posts are available.
Hi! 😊
I am a RSS and atom feeds reader. Give me the URLs of your feeds and I will send you the new items (articles, tweets, videos etc.) as soon as they are available.
I can also monitor Youtube channels, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts.

The refresh rate of the free bot is 4 hours, 30 minutes for the premium bot and 10 minutes for the elite bot. See all the features of the Premium/Elite subscriptions here.

Use /add, /remove and /list to manage your feeds subscriptions.
Use /search to search for feeds.
You can also add me in a Telegram group or channel: howto

For support: /help and @TheFeedReaderBotSupport
💡 Suggestions 💡
Don't know where to start? First of all, read the /help 😊, and the tutorials here: https://tfrbot.com
Then, here is a list of cool feeds:

- 📰 CNN breaking news (𝕏(Twitter) account): /add_2248
- 🎓 MinutePhysics (youtube channel), 2min science videos: /add_2249
- 🎬 Netflix latest releases: /add_netflix
- 🌠 APOD - Astronomy Picture Of the Day, daily space science images: /add_1233
- 🗯 Garfield daily comic strip: /add_202
(find your favorite comic strip here: http://www.gocomics.com)
/add add a new feed
/add_email receive emails (premium/elite only)
/cancel cancel the current operation
/channel, /group configure the bot to send messages to a channel or group
/chat chat with ChatGPT (elite only)
/enable, /disable enable or disable sending messages
/import, /export import or export your feeds as an OPML file
/language change the bot's language
/list list subscribed feeds
/monitor monitor websites for changes (premium/elite only)
/remove remove a feed
/search search for feeds to subscribe to
/settings configure settings
/spam configure anti-spam settings (for groups)
/template customize the format of messages (premium/elite only)
/timer send messages at predefined times (premium/elite only)

Tutorials are available on the Feed Reader Bot website: https://tfrbot.com

Free accounts are limited to 10 feed subscriptions, and have a slow refresh rate (4 hours). Buy a premium or elite account to have more subscriptions, customized templates, website monitoring and faster refresh rates: /premium
Compare free and premium accounts here: https://tfrbot.com/premium.html
Next >


/add - add a new feed
/add_email - receive emails (premium/elite only)
/cancel - cancel the current operation
/channel - configure the bot to send messages to a channel
/group - configure the bot to send messages to a group
/help - display the help
/language - change the bot's language
/list - list subscribed feeds
/monitor - monitor website changes (premium/elite only)
/remove - remove a feed
/search - search for feeds to subscribe to
/settings - configure settings
/spam - configure anti-spam settings
/start - welcome message
/template - customize the format of messages (premium/elite only)
/timer - send messages at predefined times (premium/elite only)

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Здравствуйте, я Картотека. Введите юридическое название контрагента или номер плательщика, чтобы узнать информацию.

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