This bot give you the current weather and the daily forecast information of a specific locality that is situated in the Italy region. 🇮🇹 If you want to search a location that is or isn't in italy, you can send you position using the GPS of your smartphone.
Hello Botanist Support. 👋😜
Are you curious to know how the meteorological situation will be today or in the coming days in a specific locality or city situated in the Italy region? 🇮🇹 Well, I can help you! Type one of the following commands. 😉
Type /current_weather to know the current weather in a specific place. Type /daily_forecast to know the daily forecast of a specific place. Type /cancel to stop an ongoing operation. Type /info to receive information about the bot. Type /stats to show the stats of the bot. Type /help to view the list of available commands. Type /start if you want that i repeat you this message.
Type /current_weather to know the current weather in a specific place. Type /daily_forecast to know the daily forecast of a specific place. Type /cancel to stop an ongoing operation. Type /info to receive information about the bot. Type /stats to show the stats of the bot. Type /help to view the list of available commands.