независимый каталог ботов



Bot for drawing contests in your channel/group. Question/idea/error: @help_tggrow https://tggrow.com
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Обновлено: 2024-09-08 в 00:16
⚠ Пожаловаться

Что умеет делать этот бот?

Bot for contests in channels and groups. Click the START button ⬇️
Hi 👋
This is TgGrow. A bot that will help in the promotion of your telegram channel or group.

🇺🇸 /changeLang - switch language

Here you can hold 6 different types of contests, launch a referral program and set up automatic acceptance of applications to a closed channel/group.

Tariffs: /pay
Support: /support

↘️ click to start:
Create a contest / tool
⁉️ FAQ
I don't know what to do with this message 😵‍💫🤖

New contest: /new


/start - about the bot
/new - new contest / tool
/all - all contests and tools
/bots - my bots
/pay - access and payment
/changelang - поменять язык

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Продажа/покупки рекламы на каналах и в ботах Telegram

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