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Telegram stories downloader


I can download telegram stories.

⚡️ Bot By @SDBOTs_inifinity
Обсуждение (0)
Обновлено: 2024-08-23 в 13:06
⚠ Пожаловаться

Что умеет делать этот бот?

You cant use me untill subscribe our updates channel ☹️
So Please join our updates channel by the following button and restart our bot by ( /start ) command 😊
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You cant use me untill subscribe our updates channel ☹️
So Please join our updates channel by the following button and restart our bot by ( /start ) command 😊
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You cant use me untill subscribe our updates channel ☹️
So Please join our updates channel by the following button and restart our bot by ( /start ) command 😊
Join Our Updates Channel 🔔


/start - Start the bot
/story - Download stories
/restart - Restart the bot[Owner Only]

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