Botanist, я нашел 40 расшифровок
1. health, education, labor and pensions (senate committee)
2. hydrogen-enhanced localized plasticity
3. healthy eating and lifestyle program
4. hydrologic evaluation of landfill performance
5. higher education loan programme (australia)
6. health emergencies in large populations (us fema)
7. health education library for people
8. his ever lasting presence
9. home energy learning program (british columbia electrical association)
10. heat escape lessening position (ice rescue)
11. heat escape lessening position (water survival technique)
12. hollywood education & literacy project
13. highway enforcement legal protection (ontario, canada)
14. his ever loving presence
15. heavy-vehicle electronic license plate
16. handbook of exercises for language processing
17. hendrix, emerson, lake & palmer
18. howitzer extended life program
19. helping empower local people (citizen group, charlotte nc)
20. dr. henry's emergency lessons for people (schoolhouse rock)
21. habitat ecology learning program (education)
22. high efficiency at low power (power amplification)
23. highway emergency local patrol (roadside assistance)
24. housing enabled by local partnerships
25. help eliminate learning problems, inc. (marylhurst, or)
26. harlem eastside lifesaving program (h.e.l.p. tv program)
27. hawaii emergency loan program
28. her ever loving presence (alcoholics anonymous chat slang)
29. home energy link program (willits, ca)
30. highway emergency long-distance phone (iowa)
31. hope, encouragement, love and patience (alcoholics anonymous chat slang)
32. health education & lifestyles program
33. high energy lightweight propellant
34. health, educate, love and protect (debary, florida)
35. help end legislated poverty (political action group)
36. horticulture entrepreneur leadership program (north carolina)
37. health effectiveness life planning
38. healthy, ethical, legal, parent approval
39. health education, labor, and public safety (northeast kansas city; kansas city, mo)
40. health insurance, equalization, legislative adjustments, and preservation of the retirement system