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Skeddy is a simple yet powerful reminder tool that can help you create and manage your reminders. https://skeddy.me/
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Обновлено: 2024-06-21 в 20:13
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

With Skeddy you can create and manage your reminders, which then are sent to you via Telegram.

You can create simple reminders using natural language, just sending messages like: "call John in 20 minutes", "check your email tomorrow at 10am" etc.

Or, using bot Web-interface, you can create reminders with complex schedule, like "pay bills on the 1st day of every month at 7pm" etc.

So, if you need some simple yet powerful reminder tool, you should definitely try Skeddy.
Choose bot language
Choose bot language


/start - start using bot/go to main menu
/help - open help
/add - add new reminder
/list - get a list of your reminders
/formats - show information about supported date and time formats
/settings - change bot settings
/web - generate link to bot Web-interface
/cancel - cancel the current operation

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