независимый каталог ботов



This is a group bot that does funny and serious stuff. Support / fun / feedback? Contact @ceda_ei or @quadnite
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Обновлено: 2024-08-23 в 13:06
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

This is a group bot that does funny and serious stuff. Looking for support or fun or feedback or anything else? Contact @ceda_ei or @quadnite

Source Code: https://gitlab.com/ceda_ei/Quadnite-Bot
Hi, I am Quadnite. If you are chatting with me in private, you are most likely doing it wrong. Add me to a group for fun. To give feedback, use /feedback
You can either check /commands for a short overview or check the Help Page.


/commands - All commands
/question - Get a random question
/word - Get a random word
/words - Get n random words
/kys - Kill yourself
/coin - Tosses a coin
/wiki - Search Wikipedia
/arch_wiki - Search the Arch wiki
/insult - As expected, insults
/weebify - Weebifies the given text
/absurdify - mAke tExT aBSUrd
/is - Is <your question>. Check /commands for more
/hug - Hug [users] [reason]. Check /commands for more
/help - Need help? Go here
/feedback - Send feedback, suggestion for kys, insult text
/rate - Rate me on TGDR
/expand - Expands a given abbreviation
/suggest - suggest a new gif
/donate - Donate

Другие боты из категории "Другое":



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