Control shared charges for members of Telegram group.
I am PotTeleBot.
I can assist manage shared charges for group of users. To start, please add me as member to any Telegram group.
/language to change language. /help for more information. /donate for support project.
To start, please add me as member to any Telegram group. Then, join to co-cash by sending /start command in group chat.
In this chat follows commands can be used.
/language for set up bot language for this chat. /start can be used for restart bot, if something went wrong. /stop to exit the bot from the group and stop maintaining the shared funds of this group. /help shows this message. /donate for support project.
In the group follows commands can be used.
/start for join to shared funds in group. /total shows summary of all charges for group members. /shared shows balances. /help shows help message for group commands.
Group admins can use follows commands in group chat.
/language for set up bot language for group. /reset for drop all counts to zero and starting accounting from the scratch. /cash for set up current amount of group cash.
You can ask questions and suggest improvements in the bot's support group.
/donate - support project development
/start - start using bot
/help - brief info
/language - set bot language
/shared - show balance of members of group (group chat)
/total - show expense totals of members of group (group chat)
/cash - set amount of group's cash (group chat, admins only)
/reset - drops totals and balances of members of group to zero (group chat, admins only)