независимый каталог ботов

Pon Bot


Searches Derpibooru.org. Just use it inline, to list images.
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Обновлено: 2024-09-15 в 20:15
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

Searches Derpibooru.org.
Just use inline, to list images.

Other names of this bot:
@ponbot @trixieboorubot @derpyboorubot @derpboorubot
This bot can help you find and share images from derpibooru.
It works automatically, no need to add it anywhere. Simply open any of your chats and type @ponbot search query in the message field. Then tap on a result to send.

For example, try typing @ponbot applejack here.

Also see /help for more examples.
This bot can help you find and share images from derpibooru.
It works automatically, no need to add it anywhere. Simply open any of your chats and type @ponbot search query in the message field. Then tap on a result to send.

For example, try typing @ponbot applejack here.

Also see /help for more examples.


Бот можно добавить в чат и вызывать по имени, добавляя команду через пробел

@ponbot Search Derpibooru...

Другие боты из категории "Без категории":



🎲 I can send as much cursed images as you need, randomly from my database! Use /cursed or press the button, it's free! 📩 I also auto-post new...

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Moderator for the classic poker game Big Two. May have bugs, please don't scream or swear at @EUtopiaLabs or the bot thank you.

❤️ 0 💬 0


Админ/покупка рекламы - @AssistentAdmin Рекламные менеджеры - @loownay @lazeerm

❤️ 0 💬 0


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