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Prayer times and prayer reminder for cities all over the world.
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Обновлено: 2024-09-21 в 12:16
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

Jadwal sholat dan pengingat waktu sholat untuk seluruh wilayah di Indonesia dan dunia.

Prayer times and prayer reminder for cities all over the world.
Selamat datang di MUADZIN Bot,
yang akan membantu Anda mengakses jadwal waktu sholat sesuai lokasi Anda dan akan chat Anda setiap memasuki waktu sholat.

Klik Set Lokasi untuk segera mengaktifkan penghitungan jadwal waktu sholat.

Welcome to MUADZIN Bot,
we will assist you to access prayer times based on your area and give you notification when the time for praying is started.

Please click on Set Lokasi to activate praying time counting immediately.

Click Setting > Bahasa to choose other language.


/prayer_times - Prayer Times
/set_location - Set Your Location
/settings - Configure Bot

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⚠️ Warning: Many users reported this account as a scam or a fake account. Please be careful, especially if it asks you for money.

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📲 🔐Hello, I am Hard Reset Bot. 🔓⚙️ ✅ Get different hard reset tips with me. 📞 Contact my botmaster here 👇👇👇👇😂😂😂👇👇👇 @mobiprox_man

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