независимый каталог ботов

Mention Robot


Отправьте #admin (@admin) в группе с ботом, чтобы упомянуть всех админов или #all (@all), чтобы упомянуть всех.
Обсуждение (0)
Обновлено: 2024-07-30 в 09:54
⚠ Пожаловаться

Что умеет делать этот бот?

Отправьте #admin (@admin) в группе с ботом, чтобы позвать всех админов или #all (@all), чтобы позвать всех.

Send #admin (@admin) in the group with the bot to call all admins or #all (@all) to call everyone.

Yöneticileri etiketlemek için gruba #admin(@admin) yaz. Gruptaki tüm üyeleri etiketlemek için ise gruba #all(@all) yaz.

По всем вопросам / For all questions / Tüm sorularınız için: @teleX
Send #admin (@admin) in the group with the bot to call all admins or #all (@all) to call everyone.

🆕 Make your own MentionBot!

⚙️ Commands to configure:
@all command:
┌ All: /set_all_all
├ Admins only: /set_all_admin
└ Disable: /set_all_noone

@admin command:
┌ All: /set_admin_all
├ Admins only: /set_admin_admin
└ Disable: /set_admin_noone

🛑 /cancel - stop mention
🌍 /language - change language 🇦🇪🇺🇸🇮🇷🇮🇩🇮🇹🇮🇶🇵🇹🇹🇷
❓ For all questions: Braindevs Support
🙏 Support developers: /donate
Our channel: @braindevs
Add a bot to chat
BNB ETF TOKEN rewards its investors with passive income and earnings from various services in its ecosystem. In addition, it offers the opportunity to earn additional profits through tax reflection in every trading transaction, while at the same time providing an ever-increasing value to its investors by providing automatic burning from the total supply. It is not just a crypto asset but also an active and profitable investment tool.

•Create Contract Deploy ✅
•Create Staking Pool ✅
•Volume Bot ✅
•Holders Bot ✅
•Biggest Buy Bot ✅
•Scan Tech Bot ✅
•Price Tech Bot ✅
•Events Tech Bot ✅
•Signal Bot ✅
•Staking ⏳
•Raffle Spin Bot ⏳
•Arbitrage Bot ⏳
•Sniper Bot ⏳
•Swap Bot ⏳

•Skeleton Audit ✅
•Solid Proof Audit ✅
•Block SAFU Audit ⏳

Send #admin (@admin) in the group with the bot to call all admins or #all (@all) to call everyone.

🆕 Make your own MentionBot!

⚙️ Commands to configure:
@all command:
┌ All: /set_all_all
├ Admins only: /set_all_admin
└ Disable: /set_all_noone

@admin command:
┌ All: /set_admin_all
├ Admins only: /set_admin_admin
└ Disable: /set_admin_noone

🛑 /cancel - stop mention
🌍 /language - change language 🇦🇪🇺🇸🇮🇷🇮🇩🇮🇹🇮🇶🇵🇹🇹🇷
❓ For all questions: Braindevs Support
🙏 Support developers: /donate
Our channel: @braindevs
Add a bot to chat
BNB ETF TOKEN rewards its investors with passive income and earnings from various services in its ecosystem. In addition, it offers the opportunity to earn additional profits through tax reflection in every trading transaction, while at the same time providing an ever-increasing value to its investors by providing automatic burning from the total supply. It is not just a crypto asset but also an active and profitable investment tool.

•Create Contract Deploy ✅
•Create Staking Pool ✅
•Volume Bot ✅
•Holders Bot ✅
•Biggest Buy Bot ✅
•Scan Tech Bot ✅
•Price Tech Bot ✅
•Events Tech Bot ✅
•Signal Bot ✅
•Staking ⏳
•Raffle Spin Bot ⏳
•Arbitrage Bot ⏳
•Sniper Bot ⏳
•Swap Bot ⏳

•Skeleton Audit ✅
•Solid Proof Audit ✅
•Block SAFU Audit ⏳



/help - show help
/cancel - stop mention
/donate - support developers

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