независимый каталог ботов

Get Telegram ID


Get Telegram ID of any user, bot, chat or channel by it's username, joinchat-link or forwarded message.
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Обновлено: 2024-09-12 в 20:59
⚠ Пожаловаться

Что умеет делать этот бот?

Get Telegram ID of any user, bot, chat or channel. Just:

👉 - send me it's username (like @username or just username)
😼 - t.me/username joinchat-link
☝️ - share it with me by menu buttons
🤝 - or forward message.

🚀 Check for updates and send feedback - @tgdyknews 🚀
Heya! 👋

Bot will help you to get ID of any telegram user, bot, chat or channel, you can:

👉 - Forward message from them to the bot
👉 - Text me its @username (or just write `username`)
👉 - Write me joinchat-link ( like t.me/name )
👉 - Or use share buttons in menu below

I will try my best!

Available commands:
/start - Start Bot
/help - Show help menu

🚀 Check for updates and send feedback - @tgdyknews 🚀
Heya! 👋

To get the Telegram ID of any user, bot, chat or channel, you can:

👉 - Forward message from them to the bot
👉 - Text me its @username (or just write `username`)
👉 - Write me joinchat-link ( like t.me/name )
👉 - Or use share buttons in menu below

I will try my best!

Available commands:
/start - Start Bot
/help - Show help menu

🚀 Check for updates and send feedback - @tgdyknews 🚀


/start - Start over
/help - Get Help

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