независимый каталог ботов

iCliniq Medical Advice


This is iCliniq's mobile advice. Ask a health query now.
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Обновлено: 2024-09-23 в 20:16
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

This is iCliniq's "Medical Advice Line".

You can ask any health query and get medical advice from doctors.

iCliniq.com is a Global Tele-Health portal with users across 160 countries
Hi Botanist,

This is icliniq's Medical Advice private chat. This service is FREE for the first query.

Click here to see more details.
Please type your email to get started.

Your email will be used to sync your icliniq account and telegram chat.
Please type your email to get started.

Your email will be used to sync your icliniq account and telegram chat.


/start - How to start the bot
/about - Who we are and what we do
/help - How to use icliniqbot
/settings - To update your email or currency preference
/email - To update your email
/currency - To update your currency preference
/pricing - See our pricing
/like - Like this bot and share with friends
/feedback - Send your feedback about the service
/support - Chat with icliniq support

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