независимый каталог ботов



Hyperadio server bot.
Обсуждение (0)
Обновлено: 2024-10-01 в 02:16
⚠ Пожаловаться

Что умеет делать этот бот?

This bot help you to interract with Hyperadio server — hyperadio.retroscene.org

Get information about playing tracks.
Like current track and add to special playlist on request.
Download album art and tracks to play it offline and so on...
Convert chiptunes (download it to me for that).

/help for detailed information.
Hi! I am a Hyperadio bot from HYPERADIO.RETROSCENE.ORG (ver 0.3.0)

Send me some commands:
/np — Get info about current playing track
/like — Add current track to playlist on request

/plus — Raise current track rating
/minus — Drop current track rating

/art — Download album art for current track

/dl — Download current track
/dln — Download track by number in current playlist
Example: «/dln 1» or «/dln 25 100»
/last — Get info about 5 last played tracks
/time — Get timetable
/help — This help

You can convert chiptune file modules too. Just upload the file and I will try to convert it.
The delay for commands processing can be up to few seconds, so be patient, please. Do not spam me.
Send me some commands:
/np — Get info about current playing track
/like — Add current track to playlist on request

/plus — Raise current track rating
/minus — Drop current track rating

/art — Download album art for current track

/dl — Download current track
/dln — Download track by number in current playlist
Example: «/dln 1» or «/dln 25 100»
/last — Get info about 5 last played tracks
/time — Get timetable
/help — This help

You can convert chiptune file modules too. Just upload the file and I will try to convert it.
The delay for commands processing can be up to few seconds, so be patient, please. Do not spam me.


/np - get info about current playing track
/like - add current track to playlist on request
/plus - raise track rating
/minus - drop track rating
/dl - download current track
/art - download album art for current track
/last - get last 5 played tracks
/time - get timetable
/help - this help

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