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[не отвечает] Covid-19 Info Bot


This bot gives you COVID-19 stats when you share any location from around the world 🌎🌍
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Обновлено: 2024-09-24 в 04:16
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

This bot gives you COVID-19 stats when you share any location from around the world 🌎🌍


/india - fetch stats of India press➡️
/statecode - of India press ➡️
/state - and then code KA press ➡️
/districtwise - stats districtwise enter state code ➡️
/listusastates - List all US states code ➡️
/usastate - and then code NY press ➡️
/world - world stats press ➡️
/countrycode - letter ‘L’ press ➡️
/country - code NL press ➡️
/topc - and then num 10 press ➡️
/topd - and then num 10 press ➡️
/asia - stats of Asia press ➡️
/africa - stats of Africa press ➡️
/australia - stats of Australia press ➡️
/europe - stats of Europe press ➡️
/northamerica - stats of North America press ➡️
/southamerica - stats of South America press ➡️
/news - fetch COVID19 news press ➡️
/traveladvice - code NL press ➡️
/repatriationflightfromindiato - code NL press ➡️

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