независимый каталог ботов

Compile Bot


Compile and run code on Telegram and share the output with your friends.
Обсуждение (0)
Обновлено: 2024-07-30 в 09:45
⚠ Пожаловаться

Что умеет делать этот бот?

I can compile programs in some of your favorite languages, including:

- Node.js
- Python
- C++
- C#

...and more!
Hello! I am Compile Bot. You can give me pieces of code to compile/run, and I'll give you back the output.

I currently support these languages:

- C
- C++
- Java
- JavaScript (Node.js)
- Python 3
- Ruby
- PHP 8.2
- Lua 5.1
- Lua 5.2
- Lua 5.3
- Go

You can use me with inline mode to easily share snippets and their results with friends. To do so, simply type @CompileBot into your message box, then a space, then your code. Choose the language you want and I'll compile it! Want a demo? Send /inline.

You can also use the /compile command to run larger pieces of code (Telegram has a 512-character limit on inline mode).
Here are some answers to questions you may have.

How do I use the bot?
Send /start and the bot will let you know everything you need to know.

Is the bot open source?
Yes. Check it out: https://git.horner.tj/tj/CompileBot

Where do I report bugs?

Can I donate?
There's no donation method, but you can buy executions instead with /getexecutions. Thanks for your support!

How many people have used this bot?

I have another question not listed here.
Let @bcrypt know.


/start - Get info about me
/compile - Run some code
/inline - See how to compile code with inline mode
/getexecutions - Get more code executions
/lang - Switch the language I use when talking to you
/help - Get answers to questions you might have


Бот можно добавить в чат и вызывать по имени, добавляя команду через пробел

@compilebot Write some code...

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