независимый каталог ботов

Check my text bot


Automatically check spelling when posting on channels.

Автоматически проверяйте грамматику в постах на каналах.
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Обновлено: 2024-07-30 в 09:56
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

This bot automatically checks spelling when you post on channels.

Этот бот автоматически проверяет грамматику в постах на каналах.
@check_my_text_bot checks spelling when added to a channel. Just add @check_my_text_bot as an admin to your channel, write /setup 1234567 (where 1234567 is the id or @username of your channel) here and get updates in @check_my_text_bot whenever it finds typos or spelling errors.

/help — command list
/setup 1234567 — turn on @check_my_text_bot on the channel with the specified id or @username
/disable 1234567 — turn off the notifications from @check_my_text_bot for the channel with the specified id or @username
/glvrd — toggle glvrd.ru (only works with Russian)
/language — change language
/channels — list channels with spellcheck notifications enabled
/getId — get id of this chat (works on channels too)
/english — toggle English spellcheck

Do you want to support the bot's author? I wrote a scientific book about how to live healthier and happier! You can buy it on Amazon — amazon.com/dp/B0CHL7WRYM or on the book's website — wdlaty.com. Thank you!
@check_my_text_bot checks spelling when added to a channel. Just add @check_my_text_bot as an admin to your channel, write /setup 1234567 (where 1234567 is the id or @username of your channel) here and get updates in @check_my_text_bot whenever it finds typos or spelling errors.

/help — command list
/setup 1234567 — turn on @check_my_text_bot on the channel with the specified id or @username
/disable 1234567 — turn off the notifications from @check_my_text_bot for the channel with the specified id or @username
/glvrd — toggle glvrd.ru (only works with Russian)
/language — change language
/channels — list channels with spellcheck notifications enabled
/getId — get id of this chat (works on channels too)
/english — toggle English spellcheck

Do you want to support the bot's author? I wrote a scientific book about how to live healthier and happier! You can buy it on Amazon — amazon.com/dp/B0CHL7WRYM or on the book's website — wdlaty.com. Thank you!


/help - List commands
/setup - Setup channel
/disable - Disable channel
/glvred - Turn on glvrd (russian only)
/language - Change language
/channels - List of channels enabled

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