независимый каталог ботов

αcutєвσt 🐾


There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. | @acutebotnews
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Обновлено: 2024-09-23 в 12:15
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Что умеет делать этот бот?

αcutєвσt can give you info about your favourite Anime, Manga, Movies, TVshows and bunch of related stuffs, it also allows you to add these items in your watchlist, so you know what to binge next!

Click "Help & Commands" button to get started and don't forget to join our news channel @AcutebotNews to stay in loop with updates & new features.

If you want bot to speak in your language or intrested in improving translations, checkout our translations repo: github.com/Pool-Of-Tears/acutebot-translations
Hey Botanist, I'm αcutєвσt 🐾 and i can help you to get information about your favorite Anime, Manga, Movies, TVshows and lot of other related stuffs!

I can also let you to view lyrics of your favourite songs and share your currently playing track on spotify with your friends.
Just click the help button below to get started with list of possible commands.

You can use me via inline mode aswell for most of the things said above, just type @acutebot in your message box and follow the instructions or try the buttons given below.

Finally don't forget to smile, cause you look good when you smile ;)
Spotify nowplaying track
Help and Commands❔


/start - Cool command to check if bot is working.
/movies - Get information about movies.
/tvshows - Get information about TV shows.
/recommend - Gives movies & TV recommendations.
/trendingmv - Get top 10 trending movies.
/trendingtv - Get top 10 trending TV shows.
/collection - Search for movie collections.
/anime - Get information about anime.
/manga - Get information about manga.
/airing - View airing status of anime sbows.
/schedule - Get anime airing schedule for this whole week.
/character - Get anime & manga character info.
/mywaifu - View your anime waifus!.
/fillers - Get list of filler episodes for the given anime.
/streamlink - Get streaming links for anime titles.
/subscribe - Subscribe to your favorite news feeds.
/unsubscribe - Unsubscribe from particular / all news feeds.
/lyrics - View lyrics for your favorite songs.
/history - Share yor last fifty played tracks in Spotify.
/nowplaying - Flex your current spotify track to friends.
/sptlogout - Log out from your Spotify account.
/redditsub - Subscribe to your favourite subreddits.
/redditunsub - Unsubscribe from subscribed subreddits.
/updatefreq - Update reddit posts frequency for the chat.
/mquote - Get random quotes from superhero movies.
/aquote - Get random anime related quotes.
/subtitle - Download movie subtitles (.srt) files.
/watchlist - Lists items in your watchlist.
/language - Change bot's default language.
/cancel - Tap this if you're stucked or to cancel current task.


Бот можно добавить в чат и вызывать по имени, добавляя команду через пробел

@acutebot Search movies & TV shows 🎶

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